Federal Funding Opportunities
Recovery and Resilience Resource Library
Access the numerous federal programs available for pre-disaster planning or for recovery in the wake of a disaster.
Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities
Funds hazard mitigation projects that reduce risk from disasters and natural hazards.
Federal Financial Assistance Programs for Resilience Activities
Find federal financial assistance programs that support natural hazard mitigation and energy resilience activities.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Funds to assist families in managing costs associated with home energy bills and energy related minor-home repairs.
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
Access to technical and financial assistance and educational opportunities across all Indian Affairs programs.
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants
Provides funding for eligible mitigation measures that reduce or eliminate long term risk to people and property from future disasters.
Urban and Community Forestry Program
This program provides assistance programs to ensure a resilient and equitable tree canopy in urban areas across the United States.
Reclamation works cooperatively with states, Tribes, and local entities to plan for and implement actions to increase water supplies.
Drought Recovery and Risk Management for Producers
Find proactive tools for risk management, disaster assistance to help with recovery, and short and long-term conservation programs.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund
A federal-state partnership that provides communities with low-cost funding for water quality infrastructure project.
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act
A federal credit program administered by EPA for eligible water and wastewater infrastructure projects.
Coping with Drought Research Competition
Research to assess impacts of drought and develop decisions support tools for regional, state, and local use.
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
Access to technical and financial assistance and educational opportunities across all Indian Affairs programs.
MAPP Program Drought Research Competitions
Funds support research that can advance model-based understanding and representation of drought.
Transportation Infrastructure Grants
Funds to support planning, resilience improvements, community resilience and evacuation routes, and at-risk coastal infrastructure.
Flood Mitigation Assistance Grants
Funds to reduce the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program.
National Coastal Resilience Fund
Funds for natural infrastructure to protect coastal communities while enhancing habitats for fish and wildlife.
Water Infrastructure Investments
Funds to protect our national water treasures and ensure they continue to serve as vital economic and recreational assets.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund
A federal-state partnership that provides communities with low-cost funding for water quality infrastructure project.
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act
A federal credit program administered by EPA for eligible water and wastewater infrastructure projects.
NEP Coastal Watershed Grants
A grant program that protects and restores water quality and ecological integrity of 28 estuaries across the country.
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
Access to technical and financial assistance and educational opportunities across all Indian Affairs programs.
Flood Mitigation Assistance Grants
Funds to reduce the risk of repetitive flood damage to buildings insured by the National Flood Insurance Program.
Emergency Watershed Protection Program
Offers technical and financial assistance to help local communities recover after a natural disaster impairs their watershed.
Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant Program
The grants program provides assistance to partnerships for water restoration and wildlife conservation.
Clean Water State Revolving Fund
A federal-state partnership that provides communities with low-cost funding for water quality infrastructure project.
Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act
A federal credit program administered by EPA for eligible water and wastewater infrastructure projects.
Get Financial Help with Floodplain Management
Funds for floodplain management programs include discounts on flood insurance, grants, and insurance claims.
Wildfire Risk to Communities
Interactive maps, charts, and resources on this easy-to-use site helps communities understand, explore, and reduce wildfire risk.
Reclamation works cooperatively with states, Tribes, and local entities to plan for and implement actions to increase water supplies.
Branch of Tribal Climate Resilience
Access to technical and financial assistance and educational opportunities across all Indian Affairs programs.
Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants
Provides funding for eligible mitigation measures that reduce or eliminate long term risk to people and property from future disasters.